An adventure, so to speak
Well, last night was very rough fer eme. I had to walk about a mile home at around 10:30 p.m. Yet, I really think God was tryin to tell me something. It was dark (duh), and I was walkin with me 11 year old cousin. He isn't very brave, or very big for his age (but he's absolutely intelligent). When we were walking, as you can imagine he was a little afraid to be walking so late i the darkness on some abandoned street. But the one thing that really stuck out was this. I had my arm around his shoulder to keep him feeling secure, and I had my collared shirt on him to keep him warm, and I kept giving him words of encouragement to keep his mind off his fear. I was all that for him. I was the big cousin who he thought I could sheild him from anything, keeping him warm and such. But to be completely honest I had to try my hardes not to show that I was scared. The one that was acting as my comforter... ding ding ding, God. He was the one who was giving me the strengh to get through that trial, and to have the strength to keep my cousin feeling ok. I think in our lives we forget something extremely valuable that we own, THE PROTECTION OF GOD!!! With God we can do ALL THINGS. People try to make it on their own, and look where they end up, on the street... or in the ground. This really hit me way hard because I'm not a pushover ( I'm not proud of that when it comes right down to it either), and I sometimes forget to do things through God, NOT myself. I think that that is a real problem among us christians today, we forget that God is with us, always watching over, never leaving our side, ready for us to win the fight against the world and it's sinful ways. Thank you, and good bye. I'll be home safe (God-willing), and soon. Later.
Yeah yeah yeah ya-yeah...
ummm... well,
yeah who's... that was kinda dumb ^... oh well. Anywho's... I haven't been abwhen I gety le to post because In TACOMA WASHINGTON (there ya go meg) The lib b closed on sun and mon... word. Everything is no rmal, just a bit hott fer washington. I miss everyone, and even though when I get back I won't immedietly see all of you, and won't see samurai man or meg... but thyank yiou guys so much for the support. Well, I need the extremely coveted opinions of my frineds who visit this blog... I was thinking of starting a new blog. The idea... poetry. I was thinkin about inviting any poets who think they can keep up with the work. If you're interested, gimme a mail, if not, just keep reading for z site. I'm real;ly hopin sam and rw will come along. Oh yeah, sam, I know That you're my moochestly mooch buddy, so I kinda need a favor dude. Do you think you can copy james taylor, ffh, and that other cd that was entitled "offerings II "(can't remember the name). I lost all my cd's and cd player in a freak accident (I'll tell you when I get back). I have creed and relient k on my lapytop... just this favor, pleeeze? Well, gtg peeps and peep-ettes. Later. And rw, well, yeah. This isn't a secured l;ine, but I think you b knowin what I b thinkin. pEAce oUt...
That is a weird word, isn't it. Well, Everything is "cooo" up here, literally. I miss everyone downn there... but I don't know how it is vice versa. Well, time for emotion again. I was talkin ter rebecca today, and I brought the subject on my fear, my greatest fear ever. When people see me, they don't really see me. They see an oversized 15 year old (which isn't always good, I'll tell why in a min), and they see that slight frown I have when I walk, and the huge feet pounding the ground with its boots. What they don't see is the real me. To be completely honest, hardly anyone has seen the TRUE me. Not the hardcore martial artist me, or the sensitive poet me, or the 2nd basemen me, or even the outgoing and random me... I mean the REAL me. The real me is a young man who has a little of idea what he's gonna do the next day. The real me is a who has deep feelings for one other person, loves his family and God more than himself, and is one of the most balling babies when it comes to confrontation and despair. I was talkin to rebecca (as I said), and I started to talk about the biggest fear I have (as also said before... deja vue, huh?). Wellp, I told her a couple of days ago my fear was losing the one's that I( love and cherish. When I was talking to her today, I refined the term "losing" in the sentence for her... I meantg people leaving me forever, not dying... but physically going. I remember when I was about seven, and My dad was with me a couple of minuetes, and then he left... and It hurt me real real bad. I was crying just telling rebecca about it. That was the first time I mentioned that memory since I lived it. I decided to talk about this... because I want to say thanx. Thanx to God fopr giving me a loving and caring family on me mum's side, and a perfect girl, and awesome friends, who for the most part, put up with me and my emotions. I love you guys and gals... truly LOVE. Not websters dictionary, not bible terms... jeff definition! Oh yeah... The problem with looking older than you really are (sam, you're next dude... hehe). Well then, I was skating at the skating rink (my intelligence is just oozing out today), well long story short, this kinda... actually really overweight 17 year old started to hit on me. Really ugly, one front tooth missing... not me type yo. She evn gave me her number... dude, wrong. I told her I was taken, maybe she was deaf too, eh? Well, gtg peeps. Later. Quit laughing at me becca! ;) (())** to... well, duh.
Meh, Meh, MEH!!!
Yeah, meh... That's what I was thinkin when I got outta bed this mornin. I have a major headache as I type, I have a serious sore throat as well. And to top it all off, I hurt on the inside from bein away from everyone in ga. Does life suck... naah. It just stinks like dookie for a little bit as "raindrops keep fallin on our heads"... but eventually, it gets better. For example, I found out that rw might not move away, and actually has a chance to go tocamp. BOOYA!!! Thats awesome! I also know that ventually I'll be back at home with my little bro and sis... and I'll be with rw admiring her perfume and absolutely glowing smile, and I'll be with sam, dani, jenni, rachel, taylor, dan, etc... hangin out and bein crezy. So... 'sol good! Well, I love you guys and girls, and stuff. I miss you muches rw... and to my mommy... I WUV YOU (if someone could pass that on at church). Oh yeah, if anyone wants to spare the money for long distance and call me, email me and we'll set up a time, k? Word in and peace out yo. Later.
thanx a million... plus 1
well, The libs about to close... but thank you all for the prayer while I'm out here. I miss all of you, and really can't wait til I get back. Ok, time to spill some kind of emotion... I love all of you, and miss you guys and gals soo much. Be good, because you know I won't... hehe. Peace guys... peace a lot.
yep... thats whats been happening in my life... well, I have to go use the bathroom... more tomorrow... maybe
Well, I am ok now. Rebecca es back from her trip thingy, so I'm was happy to talk to her without the worry of losing her cellphone's connection. We talked for about an hour, and it only felt like 10 minutes... Yeah, that was fun. Yesterday I had to cut and load up fire-wood for this year's winter season... even though I don't think we'll need it very much. I can't wait for the youth activity tomorrow, its going to be fun, I suppose. Me and some friends are going to danielle's get together after the youth activity, I hope that becca will come to that... so it won't be so... tense (for ME). I'm temporarily not able to play my guitar due to the fact that I cut my finger when messing with the crappy wood. I can't hold down the string... because the cuts on my left hand middle finger. So that stinks like dookie. Also pray that becca won't move, that God's will is played out, and that whatever happens, I will be mature enough to handle the verdict. Oh yeah, I'm leaving on monday the 12th for washington state... so the posts won't be as frequent... even though they aren't now... hehe. Well, later then, and Godbless. wOOt. Rebecca... well, take I wild guess at what I'm thinking...