Yeah yeah yeah ya-yeah...
ummm... well,
yeah who's... that was kinda dumb ^... oh well. Anywho's... I haven't been abwhen I gety le to post because In TACOMA WASHINGTON (there ya go meg) The lib b closed on sun and mon... word. Everything is no rmal, just a bit hott fer washington. I miss everyone, and even though when I get back I won't immedietly see all of you, and won't see samurai man or meg... but thyank yiou guys so much for the support. Well, I need the extremely coveted opinions of my frineds who visit this blog... I was thinking of starting a new blog. The idea... poetry. I was thinkin about inviting any poets who think they can keep up with the work. If you're interested, gimme a mail, if not, just keep reading for z site. I'm real;ly hopin sam and rw will come along. Oh yeah, sam, I know That you're my moochestly mooch buddy, so I kinda need a favor dude. Do you think you can copy james taylor, ffh, and that other cd that was entitled "offerings II "(can't remember the name). I lost all my cd's and cd player in a freak accident (I'll tell you when I get back). I have creed and relient k on my lapytop... just this favor, pleeeze? Well, gtg peeps and peep-ettes. Later. And rw, well, yeah. This isn't a secured l;ine, but I think you b knowin what I b thinkin. pEAce oUt...
poetry blog- finally. i have been waiting long enough. lol. yeah well i would like to get into that if i can convince my dad. lol
me too. i sooo want to get into that. im reading a book. that tells a story through a series of poems. its quite awesome actually and i makes me want to write more. bye
P.S. have you been working on debate any? cause well i keep thinking about it but i havent gotten around to it.
I want you to join too rw. Jill and soope that we can get this running. I've already got the poetry set and everything.
Count me in on that fa-shizzle. Let me know wen da eagle b landin yo. If ya no wat I b sayin. halla acha mom-n-nem 4 me. peace out brutha.
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