Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Haven't been on in a while. Lots goin on. I'm just trying to find the reason why I was put here... and the search isn't going anywhere. God help me. This blog has two options~ 1. Become a deletion. 2. Become of some worth to someone who reads it. ~ I'm so tired of people leaving comments that show barely interest in the post, I want to start spreading my knowledge, and my ability to write. SOme kid in school thought I was just a stupid crazy bum... because he never had the chance to see the real me... the me that is thoughtful and philosophical, and never sleeps because of the thoughts that flow through me. I'm like no one else, and that's not always good (so don't think I'm prideful). Until next thought...



At Wednesday, October 04, 2006 12:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well - for me it is interesting to see what's happening with a fellow 'samurai' for the Lord.

It has to be gratifying to you first and foremost. Not because you are more important then the rest of the world - but because it is something you want to do.

If you do not want to blog, then I encourage you NOT to.

For me it is a way to work out the endless stream of thoughts, etc. But that is the reason for my blog.

At Friday, October 06, 2006 8:48:00 PM, Blogger La Profesora said...

Read Psalm 139, Jeff. The answers are in the Book.
I'll be praying that you'll be ministered to and also some things will be made clear through the revival meetings next week.
Sam also said he lost the phone numbers i gave him, so i will re-send them and make sure yours is there. Hang in there. We serve a great God.

At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I did not think you have nothing to say.

I was trying to say that you should not blog for the sake of blogging.

At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you feel you're not reaching as many as you'd like, and that you're not getting the thoughtful responses that you would appreciate. I just want you to know that when I can, I enjoy seeing what you're up to and what is on your mind and heart. It's your decision, and either way, your friends understand.

At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:50:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I kind of wish I had gotten to talk to you more while we were in Georgia. Yes, you and Sam are a little crazy, but I've noticed you do make a lot of good points. And trust me...it's good that you're different from everyone else. This would be a dumb world if everyone was the same.

At Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:28:00 PM, Blogger Nata said...

don't worry dude. that happens to a lot of people--like me. in fact i wonder everyday if i'm studying the right stuff and if i'm developing the right talents. that's why it's so encouraging to read in the Bible of a God that "works everything together for the good for those who love God". all i KNOW about my purpose is that i was made to glorify God in everything i do.


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