Almost everything I've said about martial arts is a lie. I do have an extreme knowledge of tkd and judo, but have not earned belts... the only training I've had is with steven and myself. I'm sorry, but it kept itching at me until I decided to get up and post. Forgive me please. I can still kick but in sparring, and know forms from tkd, and lots of throws from judo. I'm really sorry. It was all a pride thing.I'll just wait for the wrath now. I've lied, and I hope you guys out there have the heart to forgive me...
wow!!! I didn't see that coming...I forgive you Jeff, no hard feelings.:)It took real heart to come and confess and ask for forgiveness....;)ttyl
I'm so proud of big deal. It is a temptation for ALL of us to make ourselves bigger in other's eyes. It takes a big man to publicly admit a mistake. God will bless you for it! Forget the messengers of wrath...let him without know the rest.
thank you... so much...
It takes a real man to confess when he was wrong. As for me it is no problem to extend forgiveness. How much more has our Lord forgiven me. And yet your transgression was really not against me. The Holy Spirit that dwells within you is what would not let it go.
You have not diminshed yourself in my eyes, but have grown. And that is not of yourself, but your Lord shining through you in your humility.
I feel you have lived out Ephesians 5:11-14
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,
“Awake, O sleeper,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”
In this confession Christ has indeed shone through you. Well done.
I never knew a screw-up could be so good... thank you guys fer your support... really. I think I want to go to a real dojo and train now, though.
It's no biggie. I forgive you. Btw...that took real courage. Sorry I've been scarce...I'm sure you understand.
I forgive you, Jeff. It may not be a big deal to all of us, but I'm sure it was to you and to the Lord. He desires a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Since this was a habitual sin, it is important to really get some verses memorized and maybe even some accountability with a friend to help you when tempted to lie about anything in the future. Lord bless you as you keep growing in Him.
Wow..............................ok. well i never expected to hear this. Of course we forgive you. We love you for who you are, not for what you are able to accomplish. Thanks for being truthful.
thanks for coming to my party tonight. it was so much fun
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