Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The verdict... she likes me!!!

Well... to all my viewers and such... thanx fer the support. some of you still don't know who I like... if you don't... just come up to me and ask me and i'll tell you. Well this special lady likes me too. Even though today(tuesday fer all yall dum people{sam... you should get that little joke}) was very hectic and I wasn't myself... I'll tell you why. Over the weekend, I was thinkin about all my sorrows and such, and came to the conclusion that all reality ever brings for ME is grief. If I live in the world of nothingness(daydreaming)... I will have no goals and will not be dissatisfied. Ya, I know that's stupid, but it's better than bein' mad at everyone, neh? So... if you see me starin off in space and thinkin... or maybe just riting my famous poems. One word of advice(And this is tha NICEST way to say it)... SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! By ther way... if you took offense to this comment(Cause I know some of ya'll emotional bomns will!!!)... GET OVER IT!!! AND YA DAN... I DO GO THROUGH MY DAY LIKE THIS... SO TO ALL YA"LL NOSY SELFS... SHOVE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:01:00 PM, Blogger yoshi said...

kick a butt, little buddy! you lucky sonofastitch. bust wishes on your newfound friend.

life can sometimes suck, but being mischeivious and naughty (things that are fun and not evil) can make it seem so much better. stuff like paperairplanes in class, mumbling under your breath, doing pranks at night, such things are good for the soul.

At Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:34:00 PM, Blogger yoshi said...

shove off.....i love the sound of that.


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