Bowling...FA LIFE
Well, I'm really dissapionted sam couldn't come on the church bowling trip... But I do have good news! And no... It's not about GEICHO!!! I beat rachel on our last game by one point... but that girl sure is good for a backward bowler! Well, It was pretty good preaching too! I wrote my first song(it;ll be finished completely soon) and it's pretty good?! Well, suzanna(sp?) thanks fer bein so nice(u'll see this from someone if they tell you me blog!!! I've now hit a crisis ... this is why I havn't told u peeps who i liked yet... I'm kinda torn between 2 girls, and they're both younger than me... I think one likes me... and the other is like a goddess(they both are if ure wondrin) so... leave advice in comments(violet, frank, dani, becca's, and all elders) man, I'll tell ya'll one thing that you might want to know, BEIN' A TEEN BASTINKS LIKE DOOOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey jeff,you never put nothin on that post bout me. that makes me nice too.jk and i agree with you bout sam not being there, that was a bummer. it was still a blast though,we'll have to do that again some time!
the only thing that i have to say is that i know that i bowl kind of weird but it is the only way i can do it. but it is ok i tied for the highest girl score.
well one more thing, you just need to pick one girl. i know that it is hard but liking more than one person at the same time is not very safe.
thanks fer the tips violet... but you probably don't understand
ok - here's two opposing views.
1. become a mormon. then you can have them both and it's all well and good until the 2 wives start to get mad at each other and the kids start fighting.
2.pick the one that you can see yourself with the most. you could possibly ask a good friend about your cuandry. i know sam has a willing ear and a quiet mouth - you could talk to him. i did that quite a few times. anyway, good luck. i really do hope that you can hook up with one of em.
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