Monday, October 30, 2006

pray for us... and me.

My dad left for training yesterday... and he'll comeback at christmas... then leave for war fir a year. Pray for that. Rebecca is experiencing severe headaches and doesn't get much sleep. Pray for that. My mom is super stressed and stuf. Pray for that. I'm streched among these and other more personal topics... pray for that. I want to thank one person that has never failed me, will never fail me, and is always thee to listen... and give advice. He's the PERFECT friend. Thanks, Jesus.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yesterday was be and rw's 1 year "anniversary"... I miss you so much sweetheart... and if you wanna critisize or w/e... just go away. I love you rebecca, no matter what people say!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Haven't been on in a while. Lots goin on. I'm just trying to find the reason why I was put here... and the search isn't going anywhere. God help me. This blog has two options~ 1. Become a deletion. 2. Become of some worth to someone who reads it. ~ I'm so tired of people leaving comments that show barely interest in the post, I want to start spreading my knowledge, and my ability to write. SOme kid in school thought I was just a stupid crazy bum... because he never had the chance to see the real me... the me that is thoughtful and philosophical, and never sleeps because of the thoughts that flow through me. I'm like no one else, and that's not always good (so don't think I'm prideful). Until next thought...


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