Better stuff...
Well, I'm tired of this "internet controversy" so to speak. It has drained me of energy, made me wrong with God, and brought tears to my eyes.
NO MORE. There's a saying in greek... Excuse the spelling. -
"Hickfus pakam parabellum". It means, if you want peace, you gotta have war. There's been enough war, don'tcha think. Time to bring on the peace. Peace, grace, and faith be with you my sisters and brothers. Amen... amen...
i agree, and im glad im a girl and wont ever have to enter into combat!!!
Hey post some poetry! I want to hear some more poetry!
(ha,ha. Now that we have Sam here, he's never coming back! mwah-ha-ha! :) ).
Intresting quote... I'll have to jot it down...
Peace for all my friends, i am sorry if i have added to all the misery, hope we all can get along now. Peace out, love ya'll
if i dont see ya tonight have a great weekend and a good move. Le melon.
i totally agree sorry for the part that i added to this you said, NO MORE.
guess what, i discovered a new game that im absolutely "glued" to.....PIN BALL!!!!!!! it rocks, and its very addicting. HA-HA-HA(in an "evil laugh")
coo-el... what's your hi-score. I'm in the hundred millions, boo-ya! ;)
im just starting in the millions, but ive never played before........cut me some slack....:( hehehehehehehe ill be there before too long.......
Man I LOVE Pin Ball!!! Is this a stand alone, or a sim?
Pinball? Interesting, it was fun to go to Georgia and see some people that I dind't know, and put names and faces together.
You should e-mail me! I'll try to find a random thing to send to you or s-thin idk
: ) Yay Sam in IN!!!
sam needs to come back:(
rw... why not try to comment on the BLOG
The Blog is awsome! I love talking about the blog. BLOG BLOG BLOG! ! !
LoL. oops I think that was uncalled for
whoever that was... stop.
yo jeff...the proper spelling is.... "sig pas paca para bellum". i almost got it tattooed on my wrist in ancient greek.
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