Quotes of Z past
"Live Free, Die Well"-I thought this was honorable and courageous. It's from one of my movies i treasure---Braveheart*Pulls Back a lump in his throat*"A perfect blossom. One could spend a lifetime looking for them, and it would not be a wasted life"---Well, this one ties in with a philosophy/religion i was forced to study in middle (public) school.It comes from Bushido, a very interesting religion that ties in with a samurai's code of conduct and way of life. It means a lot if ya think about it...-katsomoto Okumasen
Well, those are some of my favorites... I hope you got something outta them...
*awesome background music and cool voice (ask me to do it at skool... sounds like a movie trailer voice.)*Coming soon... a blog of a samurai's tale, wrapped up in his longing for peace and prosperity, yet fighting off his desire to destroy.
i ask you to do de voice at skool
do it do it do it .... well you get the point.
well, very interesting quotes
you should post s'more
hey i just commented why is it not here...???
oh well...
you hasta doo de voice @ skool
do it do it do it do it...(well youve got the point^)
ok then... i will, sorry bout the comment moderation.
CrAzY mAn!!!
gO cRaZy PeOpLe!!!
Ps. CaN yOu ReAlLy CoUnT tO pUrPlE BaCkWaRdS??? J/K
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