Hmmmm... a good life...
well, sam's party was pretty sweeet. I gotto spendf time with friends... an a little more then others(ticklishness isn't a weakness... It's cute... hehe). Well, The light of the party pretty much stood out... sam's shitzu-"star". Well, the little pup was sittin in rebecca acrees lap lookin fine and dandy when... bleeeehhhh!!! Exorcist all over again!!! The dog tottaly pukes on her... It was awesome(mind the little lady... mmmhhmmmm...). But I was laughin more at the dog than the loud screams coming from r.a. Well, Don't forget to take ure "intervals" or... pee. Hehehe... inside... joke... hehehe... . Randomness will soon rule the world... very soon... . Well, BTW, to RW- I still have that pen... hehehe...
thanx for the ticklish comment... but it is very anniying... for me... that was so funny yesterday when little itty bitty star puked on becca... poor becca...
that sounds.....gross. whenever my dog pukes, its always this yellowish creme color and its disgusting.
that's what the color o' the puke was... hehehe...
it was pretty disgusting, it mad me almost puke
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